Courses Details

CourseId: 28

Vehicle Centric Defensive Tactics Program

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Course Description:


The Vehicle Centric Defensive Tactics Program was designed around the environment and goals of the security agent or tactical operative that must respond to a threat inside and or around a motor vehicle. The student learns to deal with an aggressive threat seated next to them or behind them while in the vehicle. Threats reaching into a window or an open door with intent to remove you or your client are also covered as well as removing a threat from the vehicle. Outside the vehicle the operator learns how to use the car itself as a weapon against the threat. Different methods of moving along and against the car in order to produce power for the various combatives that are applied to a threat.

Also while in the car the student will learn basic answers for dealing with a firearm or edged weapon that has been pulled. Outside the vehicle the student learns how to intelligently maneuver around the vehicle and deal with a single or multiple threats while standing, kneeling or laying on the ground.

The goal of the program is to introduce intelligent, Effective and simple answers that will work in many situations, not just give the student another list of the techniques.

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